What feminism means to me…..

2 min readNov 5, 2021

Everyone has a different perception of what feminism means to them. Feminism to me is not just a movement through which we try to instil equality among men and women, it goes far beyond just that. It’s about changing the attitude of women towards life. Nowadays women are getting a gazillion of opportunities, but are we making the right use of them? Are we grabbing every opportunity that comes our way?

No, we are not. The reason is that deep down in our head we are holding ourselves back. We are considering ourselves inferior and are becoming more and more self-conscious as to what someone might think if we do something wrong. This is what needs to change. Feminists in the past have fought for equal rights and opportunities for both men and women, but in vain, we are not ready to grasp these opportunities that we have all got as a result of their struggles. Hence, our perception and attitude towards life need to change. If we don’t believe in ourselves no one would. Every path from a goal and a vision to success has innumerable hurdles. But we need to learn to pick ourselves up, bounce back higher every time we fall down and also help others along the way. This is what feminism means to me. It is not just about empowering myself but others too.

Nowadays we no longer have to fight for equal rights and opportunities. We already have them. Now it’s time for each one of us to start believing in ourselves and forge towards creating a bright future.




I am an amateur writer and I write straight from my heart :)